Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Talking bout you and me and the games people play.....

Last night was our first BUNKO game of the summer....starting late this year with all the other activities going on. I keep saying I am going to initiate this game in FL with a bunch of our friends but there too we are always so busy it's almost impossible to set up a schedule! Guess I will put it in the "bucket" for a rainy day....

Here we are setting up...Now what could Sue Smith be saying to me as I snapped her picture????

She was probably denying the fact that she would win the "booby prize"....which she did!!

Here is my good friend Joan Luce, who is a regular. We confirmed our annual luncheon at Stavros (Umatilla, FL). Joan and Al live only a few miles from us in Florida so we love meeting them for lunch at our favorite restaurant!

Here is one of our third generation BUNKO player. Amanda is Mary Lou Rusho's granddaughter. Mary Lou passed away this last winter and will be greatly missed. We were all pleased to see Amanda show up....she is a sweetie!! And that's Frances Rossmassler to the right of her..... she is cooking our dinner tonight. Can't wait....it's always good food and company when we go to her house!

And here is Janet Ennis who claims to have had nitrous oxide (laughing gas) at the dermatologist yesterday afternoon. I wasn't aware that they used it but it would certainly explain her happy, silly, funny mood last night. You can never be sad or grouchy around Janet....she is definitely a "glass half full" woman!!!

I came across this blurry but memory making picture yesterday while I was scanning my old photo albums yesterday. These were two of my best girlfriends in VT. We always traveled around together and were known as Colchester's Angels (so named by the guys at the fire hall). I was looking through my VT pictures. Left to right is Patsy Jedrzejewski (spell check will have fun with that one), myself and Sherri White. Sherri's husband Craig who is just a few months younger than me, had a stroke a few weeks ago and is still in a coma. We were all saddened by the news and are praying for a speedy and full recovery.
Salt and I will be in Burlington, VT this fall and will be visiting all of my VT buddies....we hope to find Kraig in the best of health!!

I couldn't resist posting this picture of Emma with her "best friend" Pooh. Poppy gave it to her for her third birthday and she treasures it. Every time her mother cleans her room, Emma always reminds her NOT to throw Pooh away.
She told me a couple of months ago WHEN, (not if) her house burns she is taking her Pooh and her blanket! They were reviewing fire safety in school.

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