Friday, December 11, 2009

The buckwheat cakes and Injun batter....makes you fat or a little fatter!!!

Well, tomorrow we will be leaving South Padre Island and heading to San Antonio for the Alamo and the River Walk. We thought our last evening would include a trip downtown to watch the Christmas parade. Well, it was only 51 degrees so they cancelled the parade until next weekend...Man, can you believe that??? If we ever had a parade in New York and it was 51 we would think it was a heat wave!!! Oh well, I am sure we will get plenty of Christmas in San Antonio.....

We have had SO much good Mexican food....We bought a LOT of fresh fruit today and will be eating that while we are traveling to try and undo some of the damage....LOL

We made a trip to the Palo Alto Battlefield, our last planned visit for the week.

Salt and Gene outside the museum....loving all their history lessons.

The battlefield.....after reading the history and then looking out over the field, you can almost picture the confrontation. I love these battlefields!!
Ruthie finally found her cowboy....

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