Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company....

Yesterday was another cold day in Florida. Deciding that we would not let the weather slow us down, the Starchers Salt and I took off for Daytona Beach to visit MOAS ....Museum of Arts & Sciences, 100,000 square feet of art, science and history located on a 90-acre preserve in the heart of Daytona Beach.

Upon entering the museum, Ruth and I stopped for a little ballet warm up with the dancing sculptures.

The first part of the museum was a museum within the museum, known as the Root Museum,

They had a racing team....

and created the Coca-Cola Bottle.....

First taste in space....

The pause that refreshes.......

Old delivery truck....

Huge bear collection......
Bear House.....

There were SO many bears....just to show a few.....
Little bears....Big bears.....

I loved the story on how the Teddy Bear came to be....named after Teddy Roosevelt, after he would not kill a bear that had been rounded up by his hunting party and tied up. This "heroic" sportsmanship was known as "Teddy's Bear". Soon after a small brown bear was sewn and released as the Teddy Bear. Trivia, Trivia, Trivia.....I can't get enough!!
Wishing Darlene had been with us to see the beautiful quilt collection. Again, there were many more, but I would be posting forever if I included all of them.

The displays change throughout the year, we viewed a Cuban display....


Beautiful Decorative Arts.....this stained glass was one of my favorite!!!

There were many beautiful pieces of artwork but we were not allowed to photograph any of them. They had a huge collection of paintings of Florida 1865-1965 from the collection of Cici and Hyatt Brown. Magnificent landscapes capturing the Florida I have come to love!!

Later in the afternoon we went into the Planetarium to view a laser light show and visited the Children's Museum. We would love to take the grand kids there some time....what a fun place!
Emma would not have left the harp, which was played with a laser.......It was so funny to watch the kids playing with no strings......

Gene creating pedal power.....notice how that wheel are spinning. Guess he will be showing us up at the gym!!

And Salt demonstrates the "hardest" pulley weight pull. I'm so glad none of us have decided to grow up yet.....

And to finish out the evening......Ruth, Salt and I powdered our faces/clothes with powdered sugar and tried to convince Susie we had the Beignets without her.....nope, not growing up today!!

Tonight we joined the Starchers and the Rowes for dinner at Chilis. Tomorrow the gang has reservations at Stavros for dinner and then off to the dance at the clubhouse.

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